What’s it like to run a movie theater during a pandemic by Brian Abate and Elijah Hamilton

While the coronavirus pandemic has hurt most businesses in New York City, it has been especially tough on the theater industry. Cobble Hill Cinema, located on the corner of Court St. and Butler St. has been closed to the public since March.

The theater, which a year ago was packed with customers, is now barely getting by.

“Sadly, we had to lay off all of our staff,” said Andrew Elgart, who works in management for the theater and is the son of the theater’s owner, Harvey Elgart. “We still keep in touch as it is a small family business – most have been just getting by from unemployment and trying to find other work. We really hope we’ll be able to hire at least some of them back soon.”

Many other businesses in the area are also struggling. Louis Migliaccio, the owner of Sam’s Pizzeria across the street, said that he had to let go of his cook during the pandemic. Osagie, who works next door at Mooburger also talked about some of the struggles the restaurant has faced recently.

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“It’s been tough,” said Osagie. “A lot of stores, including the theater, have closed recently which has negatively impacted traffic.”

While restaurants in the area are struggling for business without indoor dining, the theater was forced to completely shut down. You can’t show movies on the sidewalk. However, the theater has had some use, as Cobble Hill Cinemas has rented out the theater to PS 58. This allows the children to go there when they aren’t able to use the school building due to social distancing requirements.

“We had tried a number of local commercial and non-commercial spaces and weren’t really making progress,” said Carolyn Rogalsky, director of P.S.58’s Carroll Kids Aftercare Program. “Then, I read in the New York Times that in Germany schools were using the cinemas as remote-learning spaces and I thought instantly of Cobble Hill Cinema! The Elgart family has been serving the community for a very long time; wouldn’t it be wonderful to help keep them afloat; turns out they had been reaching out to offer themselves to host learning and so a beautiful friendship was formed!”

Last school year was chaotic, as the pandemic took everyone by surprise, but this school year was a fresh start and Cobble Hill Cinema provided a much-needed space for the students of PS 58. The students began using the theater in September and the plan is for them to continue to do so until school is fully on-site.

While Elgart is happy the theater is in use and helping the students of PS 58, the theater is still struggling financially.

“We had to take out loans and are hoping that a Save Our Stages grant will keep us afloat until we are allowed to open,” Elgart said. The goal of the grant is to do just that and provide long-term assistance for shuttered businesses.

While it is still unclear when the theater will be allowed to open to the public, Elgart has already spent time coming up with strategies for when that time comes. He has “been working a bit on implementing safety protocols for when we are allowed to open, including assigned seating and other measures.”

It is a strange time for Elgart, who began working in the theater as a youngster.

“Growing up in the theater business was a kid’s dream,” Elgart said. “I got to watch all the movies and eat all the candy and popcorn I wanted. Then, around the time I turned 13, my father would drop me off at the theater and I would work usher or concessions shifts on the weekends. I really enjoyed interacting with all the customers.”

Elgart also reminisced about one of his favorite experiences working at the theater as a kid.

“I remember when the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie came out and this was when we were still primarily a cash business – the movie was so popular, we couldn’t keep up with all the cash coming in,” Elgart said. “Here I am this kid, and we’re just looking for places to stash cash – drawers, popcorn buckets, anywhere!”

While that movie was released in the ‘90s and streaming services such as Netflix have begun to hurt many movie theaters, the sales at Cobble Hill were still strong up until the pandemic hit. Elgart hopes the same will be true when the theater can reopen, but while he’s waiting for that day to come he has found new ways to spend his free time.

“I’ve been volunteering at the New York Aquarium as a diver, doing lots of puzzles and spending more time with my wife,” said Elgart. “We are expecting our first baby in May!”

While Elgart has made the best of a difficult situation, he is aiming to reopen in May, if that’s possible.

“We’re ready at any time,” said Elgart. “We’re hoping that people are just as eager to come back. The cinematic experience is not something that can be replicated at home.”




  1. Pingback: The "Because Whoopi Goldberg Told Me To" Tuesday Edition

  2. I don’t understand why Cuomo hasn’t even mentioned opening NYC movie theaters. Why does nearby Long Island have cinemas opened when NYC’s are closed? What’s the difference if a Long Island theater has 25% capacity or a NYC theater has 25% capacity? It’s still 25% capacity. It’s not like a restaurant either. You don’t talk during a movie and it’s easy to keep a mask on throughout the show. Now that restaurants are allowed indoor dining at 25%, why not a movie theater. Cuomo has dropped the ball on this one.

On Key

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