WALKING WITH COFFEE: A Boomer talks with a Millennial.

Boomer– R.J. Cirillo
Millennial –Amy Flatow

We are in Park Slope, sitting with coffee.

R.J. –“So Amy, what generation are you?”

Amy –“I’m technically a millennial, but considered a geriatric millennial, or like the first crop of them.” And she laughed.

R.J.– “I’m a boomer, so I get some flak for that, the term itself becoming sort of a put-down.”

Amy –“I think that’s because there’s some resentment from my generation which we can into later.”

R.J. –“Ok later.  As a “boomer” I always sat down when drinking coffee. We called it a coffee break. I see many of your generation walking with their coffee. Why is that?

Amy –“Speaking for myself,  maybe it’s because I have 2 little kids, I’m always going from point a to point b.  I don’t, have time, or don’t make time to sit down with my coffee.  So I think walking down the street with my coffee seems like a better use of my time. Like, oh why just sit with coffee when I can travel at the same time and be more productive.”

R.J. –“So the key word is production.”

Amy –“I guess.”

R.J. –“Ok question 2. I moved out of my parent’s house when I was 18, rented a one bedroom for $90 dollars a month. How has the astronomic jump in rental prices affected you?”

Amy –When I first moved to New York I had a closet of a bedroom for $500 a month, and it felt like a good deal. Now my husband and I and our two kids are renting in Park Slope. I don’t want to tell you what the rent is. We gave up trying to own anything here, even though we are both professionals.  So, one of my biggest arguments with those whom I love, who are boomers is that they say.
“Oh, you’re having avocado toast out, so that’s why you can’t afford a home.” That’s absolute garbage!” I think my generation feels we can’t cut a break.

There’s the American story of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, however we’ll be the first generation that no matter how hard we work, we can’t pull ourselves up.”

R.J. –“Now I see why you walk with coffee.

Amy– “Oh and here’s a funny generational difference, I feel like boomers regarding the technological changes will say, ‘Big Brother is watching!’ and we’re like “Yes, and?” “We have a sense of fatalism, oh well they know everything about me, I might as well try and make it work to my advantage.”

R.J –“One more question. When I was 10, JFK was elected president , he was 43.  Now all major politicians are in their 70s and 80s.  Problem?

Amy –“Yes, it is a problem. Politics is a Pandora’s Box. I was very progressive, now I’m shifting more moderate.  I don’t think a lot of politicians are representing my generation.

I’ll out myself happily. If you ask me ‘would you vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden’, it a no.”  “If you ask me ‘Am I going to vote for Joe Biden,” it’s a yes.”



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