We just received a note from our councilman Carlos Menchaca. It has the details of a promised community meeting about proposed renovations to Valentino Pier. Here is the email in full:


“Please join me this Thursday at 7:00pm at the Red Hook Library for an update from the Parks Department on the fencing around Valentino Pier. The fencing was put up last week for a small infrastructure project along the pathways. The Borough Commissioner will be providing us with details on the project, which is currently on hold. Once we learn more, we can provide feedback as to whether it makes sense to move forward. 

I recognize this is short notice, but my office wanted to move quickly to get some answers on this fencing. If you can’t make it on Thursday, look out for regular updates on the future of this project.”


This is the second community meeting that Menchaca has held recently. Over the summer there was an emergency meeting following the death of a teenager running for a bus on Lorraine Street. At that meeting the commanding officer of the 76th Precinct was there to hear community suggestions.

Menchaca always stresses the importance of community participation in government.




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