Trucks, streets and lighting are big issues at NCO police meeting

Officers Jovin and Class leading the NCO Sector C meeting.

Sector C Neighborhood Coordination Officers Class and Jovin hosted the May Build A Block meeting at PS 676. Officers Class and Jovin started the discussion talking about previous neighborhood issues.

A main point of concern were the bobcats (construction vehicles) that were parked on Beard Street, next to the Thor Equities site, and taking up parking spaces. The vehicles were moved after the precinct got in touch with the owners.

“They had run out of space in their lot, which is the reason they were on the street,” Officer Jovin said. “He was able to clean out his space in the lot he is renting and since then we have opened up the street to more parking and less congestion. Everything is now inside the lot and trucks and buses can now flow through more easily.”

Another issue brought up at a previous meeting was unattended property being stolen at IKEA. They have implemented more of a police presence at IKEA after concerns were raised.

“We walked the store, talked to customers, security and the manager, and we were able to decrease the theft and have had people more aware of their items while they are shopping,” Jovin said.

Moving over to transportation, people were complaining that trucks have been going off of the designated Red Hook truck route onto side streets. The NCOs said that they are still addressing this, but they are stopping these trucks and giving summonses when they see that they go off the truck route. The trucks have not been off the truck route as much recently.

Officer Class talked about the intersection of Conover and Ferris near the warehouses where cars have been getting their windows smashed and valuables stolen.

“People have left their windows open,” Class said. “It’s hot out, you crack them open a little bit, but it is easy to stick something inside, open up a lock and open the door. Our advice is don’t leave important belongings like laptops or a lot of clothes visible.”

She also suggested avoiding parking if going to the pier, because it is not lit well, and there is a lack of cameras in the area, making it easier for people to vandalize vehicles.

Officer Class also discussed the derelict vehicles that had been more common in the area. There were cars taking up parking spaces for three or more months that had been broken down or smashed in. NCOs were able to get them removed, which has created more parking spaces and has in turn made the neighborhood look better, according to Class.

They advised people to not walk around with your head down.

“We see it all the time, you can be staring at your phone and not being aware of your surroundings, and someone can just snatch you phone and keep running,” Class said.

Father’s Day

A parent who has a daughter at PS 15 told everyone that on Father’s Day there will be a cookout in Coffey Park, presented by Redemption Church, and they will try to get 100 dads from the neighborhood to attend. There will be activities for kids and music.

The principal of PS 676, Priscilla Figueroa, gave a few updates on what was previously discussed.

“During the last meeting we discussed speed bumps, and I wanted to give a follow up,” Figueroa said. “We had a meeting with Leroy (from the DOT), who came by and requested a survey of the perimeter. It had never been surveyed before.”

After six months DOT will make a decision regarding the bumps.

There was also a concern from the principal about the intersection of Columbia and Nelson, where there is a big fork in the road.

“Leroy is looking into surveying that area because it’s a safety concern, especially for students walking to school.” Figueroa said. “He said the street is really wide. It’s a big intersection because there is that small block on Dwight right there.”

Figueroa said that PS 676 is planning on doing more art projects in the next few weeks and that they are having a carnival on June 8.

The principal of PS 676 is also trying to change the perception of what kids and parents think of police. She wants parents to understand that often when the students walk through the doors of the school they see NCOs.

“They are here often talking to the kids and in the classrooms,” Principal Figueroa said. “We have police officers that have built a relationship with me and the teachers and guidance counselors. If we can spread the word as often as we can by saying police officers are not the enemy, nobody should be. Our children can learn from everybody in society that is a role model.”

Officer Jovin said that they have had positive experiences with area youth with the NCO program. Bridging the Gap is an event where they have gotten to meet children from different areas of Red Hook and when they have driven around to different parts of Red Hook they have found that students have greeted them and recognized them by name.

“Instead of fearing us when we get out of the car it is, how are you,” Officer Jovin said. “Students have seen us in Coffey Park and have said ‘hey, I know you’ and we have built that good relationship with them.”

“They are kids that live in the area, so it is important that they get used to us and don’t grow up with that mindset of cops are bad,” Officer Class said.


A resident who lives on Van Brunt Street applauded the no standing sign that was put on the corner of Van Brunt and Visitation, since it is an important intersection to have clear sight lines. He requested that there be a no standing sign outside of the deli near that intersection since a person who parks outside of the deli makes it difficult to pass.

The resident added that he observes that the film crews avoid all laws in the neighborhood. He thinks that the trucks and cars from the film crews should not park in the no standing zones.

“We understand that,” Officer Jovin said. “It’s a little tough on our end because they have permits for the filming. They post flyers that they are working on these days and the reasons why.”

“Every time there is a filming we always come by to see what is going on because we want to be well informed on what is going to be expected at this location,” Officer Class said. “We will definitely touch base with film makers that come to the area.”

The same resident also wants the intersection of Columbia and Bay Street outside of the BASIS School to be improved. He added that coming down Bay Street there is no standing on the lane next to the curb not because of the school but because of traffic and he feels that they need the curb lane to go straight through onto Bay Street.

He finds that on afternoons around dismissal the lane is filled with school buses, which alters where cars have to make their turn. According to the resident, instead of parking the parents picking up kids block the bike lane and block the intersection.

Officer Jovin said they would touch base with the BASIS and try to meet with the principal to try to figure out how to better regulate dismissals.

Jerry Armer, the president of the 76th Precinct Community Council, suggested getting DOT to re-stripe the area across the street from BASIS. “When you are coming from IKEA to make a turn onto Bay Street, the traffic lane disappeared, but it has to be striped because right now it’s hard to tell.”

Coleta Walker, who is the associate director of the Peacemaking Program at the Community Justice Center, said that the intersection of Huntington and Hicks Streets could be improved. Without the crossing guard she finds that she has to be much more careful at the intersection than when there is one there.

“When she is not there it is really dangerous because you can’t see,” Walker added. “You have to make sure there are no kids, pull up and make sure there are no cars, and then there is a body shop and sometimes they have stuff. It’s a business and you understand. When the crossing guard isn’t there it’s very hard.”

Officer Class offered that they would talk to their neighboring sector and see if they can talk to the body shop to get them to clear out that corner so it will be more visible for pedestrians.

Towards the end of the meeting, the officers offered their cards so that people could call, text or email with any concerns or with information on what will be happening in the neighborhood.



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