Stay busy at the ever-fabulous temporary Red Hook Library! by Brian Abate

The Red Hook Library re-opened at 362 Van Brunt St. in July and continues to get plenty of use. Many people stop in to read or work on laptops, and there have been a lots of special events including zine making, which was led by librarian Gretchen Alexander on August 26.

“A librarian from a different branch started the zine program where we have all the materials for zine-making and people can use collage materials and stamps,” Alexander told me.

People are able to do their own thing and craft. I enjoy being crafty and doing collaging. The stamp collection is really beautiful too.”

There were a few people in the library when I stopped by. The next zine-making will be led by Alexander on Monday, September 9 from 3-4 pm.

“We’re still doing a lot of the outreach that we were doing during the period between when the regular library closed for renovations and this temporary location opened, but there is no doubt that having a stable location is a million times better,” Alexander said. “It’s really nice seeing people come in and enjoy being here. And it’s great being right on Van Brunt St. since we’re right by the bus stop and right across from PS 15.”

Resumé help

Alexander regularly leads resume and cover letter help. That takes place every other Thursday from 2-3 pm. There is also a needle felting class and there was an  event where kids got their faces painted as a way to celebrate the end of the summer.

Library information supervisor Emily Heath says there is a dedicated page for the Red Hook branch on the Brooklyn Public Library website, and events are posted as soon as they are confirmed.

Another event already set is comic book drawing with Mr. Nick, which will takes place every Tuesday from 3-4:30 pm. Topics such as how to make comic books, cartoons, and graphic novels are covered. Mr. Nick is a professional artist who has created and published his own series of comic books. Beginners are always welcome.

Resume and cover letter assistance will take place on Sept. 12 and 26 from 2-3 pm. Kids Create will take place every Thursday in September from 3:30-4:15 pm and offers an opportunity for kids to make an easy craft to take home. Story and play for children ages five and under will take place every Friday in September from 11-11:45 am.

The new temporary library is also a great spot to get some work done or just relax and read. And yes, there are computers. The library is open from 10 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday.



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