Sky’s the limit for new Friends of the Red Hook Library, by George Fiala

The slow climb back for the Red Hook Library took a step forward this week with the first meeting of the Friends of the Red Hook Library. Funding for the Brooklyn Public Library has been increased the past couple of years as Mayor de Blasio and the new City Council was able to devote some more of the city’s budget for libraries. One result was the restoration of Saturday hours. Another was the hiring of  Brian Hasbrouck, who is the new Outreach Librarian for Red Hook.

Brian Hasbrouck does outreach for the Friends by speaking at the Red Hook West's Tenant's Association, earlier in the week.
Brian Hasbrouck does outreach for the Friends by speaking at the Red Hook West’s Tenant’s Association, earlier in the week.


Hasbrouck brought together a group of interested participants, including the Star-Revue, Councilmember Carlos Menchaca and a representative from the central branch, to explain the function of Friend’s groups, and get things going.

Mike Fieni, who is the community organizer at the central library for all Friend’s groups (about one third of Brooklyn’s libraries have active friend’s groups), explained to the gathering what these groups can do for a local library.

Friend’s groups serve as advocates for library funding. They help make the library’s case when it comes to the city budget. Government is often responsive to the people they serve, and when they see libraries that are active in the community, they will be more likely to allocate more funds.

A second function is actual fundraising for the local branch. This can take the form of simple things such as bake and book sales, and also include things like galas and grant requests to local institutions. These funds go into an account dedicated to the local library, and can be used to provide refreshments for library events, honorariums to bring speakers in, and in some cases to add infrastructure. For example, the Friends of the Carroll Gardens Library used funds raised at their annual book sale to build special bookshelves small enough to be used by pre-schoolers.

It was a nice crowd that showed up for the first meeting.
It was a nice crowd that showed up for the first meeting.

Another very important function is to raise community awareness about things already going on at the library. The Red Hook branch is already holding regular programs including tax preparation, storytelling, homework help and chess and Lego clubs. Not everyone in the neighborhood knows about these, and an active friends group will help get the word out.

About ten Red Hooker’s showed up for this first meeting. People couldn’t wait to speak. Wally Bazemore, who was an active member of a previous Red Hook friend’s group back in the 1990’s, told about events that he worked on back then. At that time, the group brought many inspirational speakers to the library, catering to both children and adults.

Other’s piped in with a slew of ideas. These included a fashion show, hosting tables at local events, trips to museums, creating a college day, career days including mentoring, SAT study groups, and even setting up a section of the library dedicated to local history.

Councilman Carlos Menchaca drops in to offer his support.
Councilman Carlos Menchaca drops in to offer his support.

Brian Hasbrouck said that one of the first items on his list is the creation of a book club. This club could meet at local restaurants, which would help integrate local businesses with the library as well.

Carlos Menchaca was asked whether the Sunset Park library, which is in his council district as well, has a friends group. He said that indeed their’s was an active one, and he would see if he could get someone from that group to speak to Red Hook and share ideas.

Head Librarian Sandra Sutton came over and welcomed the group. She reminded all of the various activities now taking place and looks forward to the Friends helping to promote them.

Brian Hasbrouck is a very tall young man who is always smiling. If you would like to add your participation to the Friends of Red Hook Library, just stop by and speak to him or to Miss Sutton. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 3, at the library at 6:30 pm. You may also email Mr. Hasbrouck at

Head Librarian Sandra Sutton welcomes the group.
Head Librarian Sandra Sutton welcomes the group.






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