Red Hook Open Studios Issues Call for Artists

Red Hook is full of artists, designers, and makers working silently behind brick warehouse walls. Red Hook Open Studios is a chance for these artists to invite each other and the public into their spaces to build community, get public exposure, and generate sales.
Liz Mitty's Studio at Red Hook Open Studios 2015.
Liz Mitty’s Studio at Red Hook Open Studios 2015.

Red Hook Open Studios is organized by painter and cut paper artist Deborah Ugoretz, jeweler Katie Lincoln, and inventor Richard Upchurch. Last year 44 artists participated, and hundreds of visitors attended.


Participating artists and makers will open their doors to the public from 1-6 pm on Sunday, November 13.

All over! A map of participating artists will be printed out and distributed as well as available on RH Open Studios’ facebook page.

According to organizer Deborah Ugoretz, “Visiting an artist’s studio is exciting and revealing. It is like opening a mysterious package; being able to see what goes on in the space is edifying and to have the opportunity to discuss art with its creator is revelatory… I am involved because I wanted to organize the artists and have an opportunity to show my work to the public.”

To register contact Deborah at



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