Red Hook Fest goes virtual

COVID-19 has had to delay or cancel all kinds of events, but Red Hook Fest will happen again this summer one with one major change.

Red Hook Fest, presented by Hook Arts Media, is Red Hook’s largest festival and will take place for the 27th consecutive year. The change this year is that it will be live-streamed for people to watch at home.

The festival will feature an exciting lineup of NYC-based performers and highlight the recovery efforts of Red Hook. The event will once again be free and a celebration of New York City’s arts and culture scene, social justice and the vibrant Red Hook community.

On June 27 starting at 2 pm, audiences around the world will be able to enjoy Red Hook’s largest yearly festival at and social media sites including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The Livestream producer of the event has also been in charge of Essence Fest and the Super Bowl.

Some of New York’s most progressive and talented performers will share music and dance from their homes and studios.

In addition to Hook Arts Media highlighting relief efforts in Red Hook, they will also spotlight local individuals, essential workers and nonprofits’ efforts to provide resources during this challenging time in the city.





  1. Please keep your social distance and wear your mask! Have fun

  2. Dirty Mirror Mix cover song by Philip Miller

    I could not record my own tracks in Lockdown so I made a screening from an earlier Cover Song Mix recording.

    (**I do not have the copyright to the songs or lyrics in this video. Online under fair use and entertainment)

    But I sang, performed and made the mix and video edit.

    My Facebook page has some of the most advanced flight technology now working within the last five years. Take a look:

On Key

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