Nick Forker teaches comics at our temporary library, by Brian Abate

Our temporary library on Van Brunt Street (as you know, our regular library has been deconstructed for the time being) has many classes and events every month and one regular one is Comic Book Drawing Class with Mr. Nick which takes place on Tuesdays from 3 pm to 4:30 pm. Nick Forker is originally from Chicago and has been interested in art since he was little.

I like to think that everyone draws, and I mean every single human being, but for some reason, they stop,” Forker said. I just never stopped. I still draw every day, all the time.”

Forker started off as a chess tutor. While he enjoyed chess, art was still his passion.

Before the pandemic, I worked with an art company that assigned art teachers to underserved communities,” Forker said. That company was called Project Art and my assignment was the Red Hook Public Library. Then the pandemic happened and I think the company folded but I went back to the library and said ‘We should do this again.’ So after that, we started it back up.

Teaching comic book drawing was just a natural fit with the graphic novels that the library has. I decided I want to teach drawing through the lens of visual storytelling.”

During the pandemic, Forker continued teaching art but he had to do so over Zoom. Before the temporary library opened, he continued the program at places such as Pioneer Works. Forker said that despite the many changes in location he was able to keep a core group of students.

One of my favorite things about teaching is when you’re teaching new material to a student and you see that light bulb go on for them,” Forker said. Those ‘aha moments’ are so great. It’s also very fulfilling and I know it’s the best way to spend my time.”

In addition to his work as a teacher, Forker made a mural on the front gate of the restaurant Breakfast by Salt’s Cure at 368 Court Street.

It’s a cloud mural and I’m hoping to get more businesses on Court St. to let me paint their gates because I want to do more cloud murals and call it Clouds on Court St.,” Forker said. I could do unique ones for every business and I think it would be really cool.”

Forker also has a comics appreciation YouTube channel called Comics People NYC.

Comic Book Drawing with Mr. Nick will take place every Tuesday in October from 3 – 4:30 pm.

Other library events include Resume and Cover Letter Assistance which will take place on Oct. 10 and 24 from 2 to 3 pm, Kids Create which will take place every Thursday in October from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Ezra Jack Keats Story and Craft which will take place Oct. 7 and 21 from 3:30 pm-4:30 pm, Teen DIY which will take place on Oct. 9 and 23 from 3 pm to 4 pm, Stomp, Clap, and Sing with Miss Suzi which will take place on Oct. 21 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am, and Thrillers & Chillers: A Reading Series which will take place on Oct. 29 from 6 pm to 8 pm.



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