New Brown Baptist celebrates Sister Ingram’s Centennial, by George Fiala

Virginia Ingram’s 100th birthday was celebrated on June 28th at the Red Hook church she helped found over fifty years ago. The New Brown Memorial Baptist Church, a block from the Clinton Street post office, was filled with family members from all over the country, and well wishers including Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez and Assemblyman Felix Ortiz.

Deaconess Virginia Ingram was born in 1914, two years before Nathans first opened in Coney Island.
Deaconess Virginia Ingram was born in 1914, two years before Nathans first opened in Coney Island.

Deaconess Ingram was born in Lynchburg, Virginia. She grew up helping her father riding horses and chopping wood, as one speaker mentioned during the hour-long program. She came to New York in 1930, and worked in the garment district.

She married in 1946 and came to the Red Hook Houses in 1951. Their first apartment was at 811 Hicks. It was there that she met Andrew McBride. She became part of a group that started the church. Before they acquired a building, they held services in their apartments.

The service was emceed by Lillie Marshall, President of the Red Hook West Tenant’s Association. “This is my church,” she confided to the Star-Revue. She introduced a slew of speakers who sang the praises of Deaconess Ingram, who sat in a wheelchair next to the front row, listening attentively and smiling throughout most of the afternoon.

A number of speakers spoke of Ms. Ingram’s persistent optimism and of the great influence she has had in their lives.

When the new pastor, Reverend Jamal, first took his position at the church, he went to visit Ms. Ingram at a nearby nursing home. He thought he was being solicitous when he told her that he came to see a beautiful woman. “Pull my stroller over there and I’ll show you where one is!” was her spirited reply.

Following Lillie’s introduction and a few speeches at the podium, four members of the church choir led the congregation in a spirited gospel song – complete with claps and the accompaniment of the church organist. “Hallelujah!” they called out.

After this, one of the younger men sitting in the church came up to speak. Deaconess McBride was his Godmother.

He spoke of spending much time in her apartment at 811 Hicks, 5D, learning at her feet. He then reminded the congregation of the continuing battle for voting rights, which started fifty years ago in Jackson, Mississippi, and unfortunately continues on today. He mentioned Fannie Lou Hamer, who was beaten in prison while working for voting rights.

McBride said that unfortunately, not much has changed, as he referenced the building of a new neighborhood school not meant for the neighborhood kids. He called Red Hook a feeding ground for the prison system.

James McBride, who gives music lessons each Thursday at the church.
James McBride, who gives music lessons each Thursday at the church.

On a more positive note, he spoke of the music classes he runs at the church every Thursday. He said that the classes are open for everyone. The conservancy classes are $5 for children living in the Houses, $150 for everyone else. “One hundred fifty dollars is the going rate everywhere else,” he said. He said that music teaches a child the discipline which they can then apply to algebra and the other subjects.

“Bitterness is not the appropriate response to evil,” McBride said. He continued “I have never heard Miss Ingram say one word of bitterness – only love.”

After this stirring speech, Nydia Velazquez, obviously highly impressed, stopped McBride, saying that if there was anything she could help with, just ask. McBride is the son of the Church founder, Andrew McBride, a NY Times bestselling author of The Color of Water, and a friend and writing partner of Spike Lee. The church in Red Hook Summer was based upon New Brown Baptist.

That’s Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez speaking to Red Hook West Tenant Association President Lillie Marshall.

Congresswoman Velazquez recited a history of Virginia Ingram’s life. “I come here to honor you,” she said, looking directly at Sister Ingram. “Because of the work you have done with the church you have made Red Hook a better place.” She presented the Deaconess with a letter signed by President Obama and his wife, celebrating her centennial. Other speakers gushed at the podium. A colorfully dressed Barbara Bethea sang a beautiful song.

Reverend Jamal had the congregation recite Psalm 111, which includes the verse “the Lord is gracious and full of compassion,” noting that the verse fit Sister McBride perfectly.

Following the ceremony, everyone made their way to the church basement, where a scrumptious buffet luncheon awaited them. Following two helpings of fried and baked chicken, collard greens, sweet potatoes (made by Miss Marshall), mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese and a fresh peach cobbler, this reporter had to go home and take a nap.

Lillie worked the food line – not to mention serving her delicious sweet potatoes!

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