According to hospital employees Thursday evening, Judge William Thompson, Sr. has been appointed to oversee hospital operations at Long Island College Hospital (LICH). Judge Baynes appointed Thompson to ensure compliance with his court order to restore services and re staff the hospital as they were on February 20, 2013.

By Monday, ambulatory services should be restored and LICH will once again be admitting patients. Monday will also be Judge Thompson’s first day on site.


Meanwhile, other area hospitals are still reporting overflowing emergency rooms because of the week long diversion from LICH.  According to one emergency room employee, “Even SUNY is complaining.”

The Department of Health has been visiting LICH daily to monitor staffing levels.  LICH continues to be fully staffed – with the exception of the residents SUNY pulled back to their downstate campus late last week. In fact, the ICU unit was staffed with five nurses for only three patients. 

There is also talk that the residency program will be restored in the coming weeks under Judge Thompson’s authority. 

The Red Hook Star-Revue will be monitoring the situation throughout the weekend and will provide daily coverage on our social media and websites.





  1. I think I read that Judge Thompson was asked by Judge Baynes to mediate between Downstate and the doctors and nurses at LICH. This article tells a completely different story. I would vet this out and get the straight line on it. The hospital is not near fully staffed and senior physicians are bailing out. The operating rooms are padlocked. Whoever is left of labor and delivery has nothing to do. If Judge Thompson has been appointed a “special master” where is the order that can be referenced.

    I don’t think that hospital employees have the straight line; so, I would vet all this out first.

    • The Daily News ran a story to this effect as well. We heard about Thompson from people at the hospital and when we saw it confirmed by the News we ran it.

  2. don’t exactly know what Thompson’s role is supposed to be. SUNY did not listen to a supreme court & has defied his orders over & over since February. Now the Dept of Health submitted an affidavit stating that the ER diversion should be lifted – and it hasn’t been. What makes anyone think they’ll give any regard to Mr Thompson. And for the record, senior doctors are NOT bailing out — theyre being FORCED out. They are not allowed to admit ANY patients, not just from the ER but AT ALL. Surgeries, cardiac unit and cardiac cath center, stroke unit, maternal/child services (OB deliveries, pediatrics) ALL have been shut down. The senior physicians HAVE to go elsewhere in order to take care of their patients. SUNY is making it impossible for them to work at LICH & then claims there’s “an exodus of doctors who are voluntarily leaving”. Bull S*&#!

  3. You are correct. We are at the hospital now and despite plenty of staff, they are still transferring patients out and refusing admittances. It is an entirely corrupt situation.

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