Menchaca casts doubt on nursing home proposal, by George Fiala

Just before the summer, a presentation was made to the Red Hook Civic Association at PS 15, and to Community Board Six (CB6) at the Miccio Center, regarding an application to build a nine story nursing home right in the middle of Red Hook, close to Pioneer Works.

The artist rendering for the new Oxford Nursing Home.
The artist rendering for the new Oxford Nursing Home.

The South Oxford Nursing Home is a Fort Greene facility that has needed a new building for some time. They purchased land in Red Hook in 2003 and have promised NY State that they would eventually upgrade to a modern facility. In the meantime, they have been renting their property to a welder and for parking.

Finally, this spring, they filed paperwork with the Dept. of City Planning (DCP) requesting permission to build. They have begun a ULURP process which begins with DCP and ends with the NY City Council. The process also includes the CB6, the Brooklyn Borough President, City Planning, and the mayor. Approval of the zoning change is essential if the nursing home will be built.

The government entities given oversight over zoning are guided by public opinion. In many cases, changes are harmless, and the applications proceed through the system with little opposition. However, sometimes developer’s have plans that can change the face of a community. Cobble Hill is dealing with that right now, as developers plan huge residential towers to replace the shuttered local hospital.

One community that has dealt with many ULURP proposals over the years is Greenwich Village, a community constantly dealing with the expansionary New York University.

In 2011, the community board chairperson for the Village, Jo Hamilton, wrote in the Villager newspaper:

“Community boards are often faced with two distinct courses of action: We can just say “no” and oppose a development outright, or, we can try to negotiate with a developer to try to seek concessions that could benefit our district. Both approaches have their risks and rewards.
It is certainly true that some projects would be so destructive to the character of a neighborhood that they should never be the subject of any bargaining. The impact of the proposed West Side Stadium a few years ago comes to mind. But unless political support is lined up early, the community board risks winning a short-term battle at the community level, but losing the war. Many of these projects proceed despite a board’s concerns and objections, and the community loses its ability to help shape the outcome. This is what happened with the Trump Riverside South project a decade ago.

Constructive dialogue with a developer can be appealing on the surface. The community gains the opportunity to weigh in on design, density and bulk and advocate for amenities, such as parks, schools and affordable housing. But the downside is that the immediate neighborhood is burdened with having to absorb changes that will forever compromise the area’s quality of life.”

After the Oxford presentation, CB6 District Manager Craig Hammerman was quoted in the Brooklyn Paper as saying “We give the applicant a lot of credit for coming to us early before the application is certified for review.”

Bea Byrd, who sits on both the NYCHA board and the board of the Addabo Center, wonders why she hasn't heard about this proposal before.
Bea Byrd, who sits on both the NYCHA board and the board of the Addabo Center, wonders why she hasn’t heard about this proposal before.

Council Member Menchaca is fully briefed on the proposed ULURP and has his own opinion:

“I am opposed to the Oxford Nursing Home project as presented to myself and to the community. I’ve spoken at length with community partners and residents, and am in agreement that in addition to the potential for increased traffic, flooding, and utility burdens, the site is simply inappropriate for the vulnerable population the project seeks to serve.

Development—in Red Hook and otherwise—needs to be thoughtful, engaging, and responsible; this project does not represent that model. Additionally, the preservation of the manufacturing zone is an incredibly important foundation of my platform and vision for the City at-large, and will help to ensure the long-term economic development possibilities of our local community.”

The City Council has the last word on the disposition of zoning applications. In most cases, the Council will defer to the local council member’s recommendation.

While the Mayor can overrule a Council decision, the Council can override the mayor with a 2/3 vote.

The Oxford Nursing Home will be appearing at an upcoming CB 6 Land Use meeting, and this time their application will be voted on. CB 6 meetings are open to the public.

Menchaca’s office is planning a town meeting to discuss the nursing home issue. In the meantime, he is asking everyone to let him know their feelings on the proposed nine story facility.

Comments can be emailed to, or sent in person or by mail to his District Office,4417 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11220.




  1. The community board is holding meetings and now the councilman wants his own meeting. Duplication? He doesn’t trust the board to allow testimony pro or con? They are required to do this. Does he understand how it all works?


    I believe that Menchaca (as do I ) thinks that more democracy is better. Not everyone knows about the community board, despite our articles…

  3. Menchaca cannot spell democracy – before deciding to turn over the sunset park sbmt waterfront to EDC for the next 39 years without oversight (gave them a master lease meaning the City Council gives up its duty & responsibility to review proposed leases) he held zero meetings in sunset park. he did no outreach – did not let folks know the magnitude of what was about to happen. Now, the sunset park waterfront is the only waterfront property under a Master Lease designation. Nor did he hold a meeting in sunset park to ask if we thought he should give himself a huge pay raise….he does not engage the community, at least not in sunset park.

On Key

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