This is the last issue of the Red Hook Star Revue that will come out before the primary elections, so I will briefly discuss my endorsements. In New York City and of late in New York State outside of the State Senate, the Democratic Party primary elections are all that matter. So please vote., if you want to have a voice.mark

As a member in good standing of the Independent Neighborhood Democrats executive board, I am obligated to support the club’s endorsed candidates. By a not so remarkable coincidence they all happen to be the candidates that I believe are best able to represent us.

ANDREW CUOMO for Governor. The hardest choice for me is continuing my support for Governor Cuomo, but I do recommend a vote for him and his re-election. I believe that he has on balance earned our support. His ability to command the agenda in Albany is impressive given recent history (even if I don’t agree with his entire agenda). The passage of marriage equality through the legislature, rather than relying on the courts, was a singularly important achievement. Now with the massive shift in public opinion it may seem less impressive but some of that shift in opinion is due to this legislative victory. Despite his initial reluctance, he did sign into law a budget that provides sufficient funding for universal pre-k. Finally on the plus side, through mediation by our Mayor and insistence from the Working Families Party, he did gain assurance from the Independent Democratic Caucus to organize the State Senate with the Democrats should the party win enough seats. This too is a big deal. It will likely bring the passage of the women’s agenda and campaign finance reform. So despite my unabated anger at him over his refusal to keep LICH open, my opposition to casino gambling, his bias toward charter schools, an inadequate proposed redistricting amendment and my wife’s insistence that he is just too conservative, he will have my vote.

PETE SIKORA for Assembly in the 52nd Assembly District. This is the easiest choice for me. Pete has always been both a social and economic progressive. His career choices have led him to be an advocate with the New York Public Interest Research Group and an economist for the Communication Workers of America. His opponent unfathomably demeans Pete’s work as a public interest advocate. If shepherding through a law protecting children from lead poisoning is special interest lobbying, I will take more of that please. He combines youth with experience. He has a wife and a three year old daughter headed for Pre-K and then Public School 29. He knows the terrain up in Albany without being part of the machine. While there are no guarantees, I can see him in a few years as part of a new leadership pushing our re-elected Governor to find his best self. I see no such future for his opponent whose unflattering critiques of others are unending and whose un-borrowed accomplishments are next to non-existent. She will take the correct progressive positions on policy but she lacks the temperament to be a real force in Albany. While I find that Pete has an overly negative view of development, by every other measure he is superior to his opponent.

JESSE HAMILTON III for State Senate in the 20th State Senate District. There is a personal element to this recommendation. I have known Jesse for some time and find him to be one of the warmest and most personable people in politics. Like his opponent he takes all the standard Democratic Party positions, the only difference is that he did not have to flip-flop to get to those positions. Jesse’s election will help to empower the Brooklyn Borough President, whose District this was, and who is supporting Jesse. Empowering our Borough President empowers all of us in Brooklyn. I don’t like disagreeing with the Mayor, and I only did so once before, but I think it proved out then and it will now.
Please vote. Those of us who work at this on a regular basis know that it does matter even if sometimes it is just at the margin of things.



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