Some of you might have started hearing about a plan that has actually been in the works for two years to allow performance artists to rent space in the public library of Red Hook. This has been presented to the library and to Cora Dance as something positive, as the claim is that the library is underutilized. Our public libraries have been underfunded for many years, as have our public parks. The answer to underfunding has not been to raise taxes on those who could afford to pay a little more, but to give over parts of our parks and libraries to supposedly well meaning groups who think they could do a better job.
The Spaceworks/Library proposal was put on the calendar of last month’s CB 6 Land Use Committee at the last second, and committee members heard positive things about this plan from the library and from potential beneficiaries of this plan. As in, who wouldn’t like mom’s apple pie. The committee voted in favor with three negative votes from local stakeholders. After some Red Hook complaints, including from this newspaper, CB 6 in their wisdom decided to table the motion at their Executive Meeting and bring it back to Red Hook so that our community would have a chance to hear about the proposal and voice their opinions.
It is our opinion that this is something that should have been done a long time ago, but better late than never. Our local councilmember, who has also only recently had this put on his radar, just sent out this press release, which gives all the details... THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MOST LOCAL MEETINGS – hope to see you there…