Garbage truck update

Last week we reported that a fleet of garbage trucks was rented space inside of the Red Hook Containerport alongside Degraw Street between Columbia and Van Brunt Streets. Neighbors were complaining because of the stench that was emanating through the fence as the hot sun was heating up garbage left in the trucks after their nightime pickups.Garbage 1

Last Saturday, neighbors reported a big cleaning session as the trucks were hosed down. This was the result of a Friday meeting between the Port Authority and representatives of Progressive Waste Solutions, the owner of those trucks (formerly IESE). Progressive was asked to take care of the smell.

Today, the Star-Revue has learned that the trucks will be moved to a different part of the containerport, away from local streets, in the near future.

The Containerport rents out available space to trucking companies in various locations not being used for container operations.



One Comment

  1. OMG I was just telling my husband how the stink is coming in the windows..we don’t need this where the breeze blows the stench in our windows…and Lord please don’t bring them in the middle away from Degraw St closer to us in the middle of Columbia St…What ever processed them to rent and put it here? I want to thank George from The Red Hook Review for keeping us posted to what is going on here in our neighborhood…

On Key

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