Feast of the Assumption is Celebrated at Outdoor Masses, By Laura Eng

Two local parishes ventured outside their church buildings and celebrated outdoor Masses in honor of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, August 15.

The parish of Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary/St. Stephen held a noontime Mass in front of the church on Summit Street which was closed to traffic. The altar was set up on the top of the center staircase between the two open doors and was covered with a white scalloped cloth embroidered with cursive blue “M’s,” stars, and golden crowns, all symbols of Mary, the Blessed Mother.

The Mass was concelebrated by Monsignor Guy Massie and Father Cletus Forson of SHSS, and Father Joseph Nugent, pastor of St. Agnes/St. Paul parish.

Outdoor mass at St. Stevens
Outdoor mass at Sacred Heart/Saint Stephen’s.

Directly above the altar was a strikingly ornate statue of the Blessed Mother with her arms outstretched and a halo of stars, signifying her assumption into heaven. This statue is a replica of one found at the Church of the Madonna dell’Assunta in Cielo in Monte di Procida, Naples.

Parishioners of SHSS led by Mgr. Massie made a pilgrimage to Italy last fall and visited a number of the towns and churches, including the church dedicated to the Madonna dell’Assunta, to which many former and current parishioners can trace their roots.

Mgr. Massie acknowledged local devotees of the Madonna dell’Assunta who were in attendance at the outdoor Mass. In celebration of Ferragosto which is the Italian public holiday to mark the Feast of the Assumption and also represents the Italian tradition of taking vacation in August, everyone was treated to ice cream after the conclusion of the Mass. Later in the day, at 7:00 in the evening, the parish of Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary also celebrated an outdoor Mass in honor of the Feast of the Assumption at the foot of the Louis Valentino Pier. Father Claudio Antecini, Pastor of Visitation Church, led the Mass before a simple altar decorated with flowers.

Visitation Mass at Valentino Pier.
Visitation Mass at Valentino Pier.

Alongside the altar stood a lovely blue and white statue of the Blessed Mother and in the background, to the left of the pier, stood the also lovely Lady Liberty. Attached to the railings and flapping in the breeze were flags representing all the native countries of Visitation parishioners. With the sun beginning to set, and the voices of the congregation singing to a guitar accompaniment with lots of “alleluias” interspersed by Father Claudio, it proved an uplifting, glory-filled experience for all those in attendance. Present at the evening Mass was Phyllis Valentino, the mother of fallen Firefighter Louis Valentino for whom the pier is named.

The Assumption Mass coincides each year with Firefighter Valentino’s birthday and Father Claudio made mention of him in his homily. Firefighter Valentino perished in the line of duty in February 1996 and would have turned 57 this year.

The trend towards outdoor Masses, seems to be embraced by the parish communities who have attended in increasing numbers. And although the settings and styles of both Assumption Masses were markedly different, the response to both was overwhelmingly positive.

Upcoming Events

Annual 9/11 Interfaith Memorial Service – Hosted by the Brooklyn Heights Clergy Association on Thursday, September 10 at 7:30 pm on the Promenade, near the Montague Street entrance.

Congregation Mount Sinai 250 Cadman Plaza West High Holy Days – Schedule of services and information on getting tickets can be found at https://www.congregationmountsinai.org/prayer-holidays/high-holidays/.
• Under the Bridge, a laid-back community Shabbat celebration with incredible live music – perfect for families, kids, and people of all ages, all backgrounds are welcome. Bring your own picnic dinner. Challah and grape juice will be provided. Friday, September 18 at 6:30 pm, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1, BridgeView Lawn.

Sacred Hearts/St. Stephen Church Summit & Hicks Streets
• Book Club – Next meeting to discuss Catch 22 by Joseph Heller will be on Monday, September 21 at 7:00 pm in the Parish House at 108 Carroll Street.
•  Feast of Our Lady of Sorrow – Sunday, September 13 from 3:00 pm. For information on procession, Mass and fireworks visit www.Mariaaddolorata.com.
Choral Ensembles – All groups (adults, youth and children) meet on Wednesdays in the Choir Loft. For information regarding times and age groups, contact James Lake or Evelyn Troester at music@sacredhearts-ststephen.com

• Religious Education Program – Open registrations will be on Sunday, September 13 after all Masses. Opening Parent Meeting will be held on Catechetical Sunday, September 20, beginning with attendance at the 10:00 Mass and the meeting to follow in Cabrini Hall. Calls may be made to the Religious Education Office at 718-596-0880.

St. Agnes Church Hoyt & DeGraw Streets
French Mass each Sunday at 11:00 am

Religious Education Program – Registration will take place at St. Agnes 433 Sackett Street on Tuesday, September 8th from 7 – 8:30 PM; Wednesday, September 9th from 7 – 8:30 PM; Saturday, September 12th following the 4 PM Mass. St. Mary Star of the Sea 467 Court Street

• New Religious Education Program (Grades 1, 2, & 3) – registration is ongoing through September 10. Registration forms are available in the back of church and at the rectory, during office hours, or may be downloaded at www.stmarystarbrooklyn.com,

St. Paul R.C. Church Court and Congress Streets
• Card Party on Saturday, October 3rd from 7 – 11 PM in the lower church hall. Admission is $15; tickets can be purchased at the rectory office.

St. Paul Episcopal Church 199 Carroll Street
• Annual Fall Rummage Sale – Saturday, September 12, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Books, jewelry, clothing, shoes, toys, household items, estate items, eclectic collection of CDs and DVDs. Come down and browse; you will be pleasantly surprised at what you can find and buy at bargain prices.

• Jazz@Mass returns, under the direction of renown jazz musician, Willie Martinez. “Come join us for a service where worship meets jazz in a relaxed, low Mass setting inspired by the lazy days of summer, all for the glory of God!” September 27 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.


Visitation BVM Church 98 Richards Street
• September 11 Remembrance Mass, to remember those who lost their lives, and to pray for them and for peace in the world. Friday, September 11 at 6:00 pm on the Louis Valentino Pier.
• Mary’s Hall – If you are planning a party, including a graduation, wedding, baptism, or Sweet 16 celebration, please consider using the completely restored Mary’s Hall. The cost is a donation for the upkeep of the church. Call Sr. Frauke at 917-515-4225 for more information.
• Religious Education Program – Registration is open from Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm at the rectory. Sunday classes for First Communion and Confirmation start September 13, from 11:20 am – 12:20 pm. Wednesday classes for First Communion start on September 16 from 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm. Wednesday classes for Confirmation start on September 16 from 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm. For more information please call the parish office at 718-624-1572.



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