Eric Adams on the police

We get press releases on all manners of subjects from Borough President Eric Adams. For the first time we have gotten something that we feel is important to our readers. Especially after our front page article on policing in Red Hook and Carroll Gardens, which we find much improved, probably due in large part to the positive attitude of Captain Justin Lenz. Here is the press release from the Borough President, and then we encourage you to read our story on Captain Lenz, which can be read here

Eric Adams with Buddy Scotto at a recent meeting of the Carroll Gardens Association
Eric Adams with Buddy Scotto at a recent meeting of the Carroll Gardens Association



“SBA President Edward Mullins’ open letter to the DNC, published in today’s New York Times, is an inaccurate and frankly inane spewing of political vitriol, all at the expense of everyday New Yorkers, including the men and women of the NYPD whom he represents. He makes unfair accusations against Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner Bratton and the broad-based coalition of thousands who are all working together to strengthen police-community relations, keeping our city the safest big city in America while ensuring everyone is treated with courtesy, professionalism and respect. We are making significant strides toward reducing crime to even further lows, but we need to be united in this pursuit, not divided as President Mullins is attempting to make us.


“The Democratic National Convention is an important pursuit for Brooklyn and the rest of our city; it will put our borough on the main stage and have a major economic impact. Every New Yorker should be onboard with this goal, including our police unions; after all, tourism helps to pay the salaries of our officers. For the SBA leadership to say that our first-rate police department cannot keep our city safe is the wrong message. If terrorists could not keep us from hosting big events, then nothing should, especially not a select few who object to the change of direction from the winds of positive and progressive change that have blown through this city.


“President Mullins’ open letter was a closed-minded view of our city’s ability to keep the 52 million visitors we get every year safe.”



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