Civic Association holds a big September meeting, by George Fiala

Andrea McKnight with John McGettrick at PS 15
Andrea McKnight with John McGettrick at PS 15

The Red Hook Civic Association drew a larger crowd and had a larger agenda than many of the earlier meetings this year. The September meeting was held in the PS 15 auditorium and president John McGettrick held sway over a number of local topics.

He began with a tirade against city and state government as even more money has been slashed from the much vaunted Integrated Flood Protection Program. Originally slated as a $200 million project by the governor, it was cut in half (as reported first by the Star-Revue) earlier this year. When asked why, McGettrick was told that the $200 million was simply a typographical error.

It now seems cut in half again, as the city has moved from the IFPS budget to it’s flawed Build It Back program, which has run into huge cost overruns while many in flood areas are still out of their homes.

“It’s four years since Sandy, and we are still no closer to any sort of real flood protection,” said McGettrick.

The conversation moved to the new Citi Bike stands throughout the neighborhood, which some feel has been overdone. McGettrick said he would try to get someone from DOT to discuss this at the October meeting, but he feels that a balance will be struck and some stands removed as their usage is monitored.

Someone asked about the many new No Parking signs at many corners. It was explained that these ‘daylight’ corner signs help trucks making turns on our narrow streets. It was pointed out that NYC has a 55 foot limit on truck traffic that is never enforced, and these signs kind of legitimize the larger trucks. McGettrick point out that they also prevent smushed cars.

The next subject was the new for-profit detox center being built on Van Brunt Street across from Dry Dock Wines and Spirits. Mary, co-owner of Dry Dock, felt that the owners snuck in their building without informing the community, leaving her to wonder what kind of neighbors they will end up being.

McGettrick said that we were treated shabbily by the community board. The center’s previous application a couple of years ago for a nearby location caused controversy at the board and so this time they simply bypassed any community oversight and are building it as-of-right. The original filings for the new building were as a hotel with large rooms – only recently was the real nature of the construction divulged, and only because somebody happened to look at their website –

McGettrick, as a way of introduction to the special guest, State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, again announced his long-term desire for ferry service to Governors Island from the Atlantic Basin, something that EDC is still considering.

Montgomery spoke of her desire to see maritime uses of our waterfront maintained -as they are a great job generator. She has been supporting a Harbor Middle School as a feeder school to Governor’s Island public Harbor High School. She said that such a school could be located either in Red Hook or Sunset Park.

She urged everyone to vote for Hillary in the upcoming presidential election. She was asked about plans for an alternate library while the Red Hook Library is closed for repairs next year. She stated that such plans were made mandatory for upcoming closings of libraries in Sunset Park and Brooklyn Heights, and that she would look into it for Red Hook.

Velmanette Montgomer (in the middle) with Leon T. Gelzer from Santander Bank, who is doing community outreach for their Lorraine Street branch.
Velmanette Montgomer (in the middle) with Leon T. Gelzer from Santander Bank, who is doing community outreach for their Lorraine Street branch.

Finally, Andrea McKnight introduced Leon T. Gelzer, newly stationed at the local Santander Bank. The bank is in danger of violating the Community Reinvestment Bank – which mandates local banks support the surrounding community – and his mandate is to make Santander a true Red Hook bank. He has already issued a $40,000 grant to the Red Hook Iniative for financial education, and he is looking to do more.



One Comment

  1. Day-lighting at corners is meant to make it safe for bikers to blow-off STOP signs and RED lights , and further constrict parking and car ownership. This will enable the residents of Red Hook to save the Marshall Islands from rising oceans.

On Key

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