Red Hook Containerport

Port Authority, Red Hook Containerport

Rockfest promoter provides details

As reported in the Star-Revue and elsewhere, the Port Authority has rented out Pier 9 to a music promoter for the weekend of October 11-12. The promoter hopes to sell 8,000 tickets each day. This has been planned thus far without any oversight from the community or any elected official, The Port Authority can basically do whatever it wants with its […]

Port Authority, Red Hook Containerport

Record breaks important Red Hook story

One of the big Red Hook stories of 2011 was the removal of Sal Catucci’s American Stevedoring from the Red Hook Containerport. We reported at the time about rumors of unpaid rent, unmet pension fund contributions and moneys owed to local vendors. We heard that the Port Authority gave Catucci an offer he couldn’t refuse – rumors were that he […]