

Alexa Aviles joins family of police victim asking for accountability, by Brian Abate

On March 2, the family of Allan Feliz and politicians including District 38 Council Member Alexa Aviles gathered outside of City Hall despite pouring rain to demand that Mayor Eric Adams and Police Commissioner Edward Caban fire police officer Jonathan Rivera. The officer shot and killed Feliz six years ago after stopping him because he thought he was not wearing […]


Gowanus Canal Conservancy builds a new garden, by Brian Abate

The Gowanus Canal Conservancy (GCC) has moved its Lowlands Nursery from the Salt Lot to a new location next to the new Monadanck building at 25 9th St., next to the Smith and 9th Stret subway. The move was necessatied due to the construction of a sewage tank required as part of the Gowanus Canal Superfund cleanup. Andrea Parker, the […]


Stan the Man takes pool tournament at the 
Rec Center (and we don’t mean swimming), by George Fiala and Jamaal Lavan

As a dedication to Charles “Bo” Keen, a deceased former staff member at the Red Hook recreation center, a twelve week billiards tournament was established this year. The contest was open to all members of the Rec Center and offered a tremendous opportunity for fostering new friendships. Each participant received a medal for participating and the first and second place […]


What’s next for Shore Power? by Brian Abate

S hore power was brought to City Hall on the Ides of February when council member Alexa Aviles and advocates held a press conference on its steps. The Our Air Water Act, sponsored by Aviles,  would require cruise ships to plug into shore power while berthed in New York City. A cruise ship can stay in port for a day […]


Locals rally in support of Good Cause Eviction bill, by Brian Abate

Residents of 63 Tiffany Place, politicians, and members of the Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens community gathered to push for passage of the “Good Cause Eviction” in the state legislature. “Long gone will be the days of landlords doubling and tripling people’s rents just because… said John Leyva, a long-time resident. Leyva is all too familiar with the issue, as […]


Basketball at the Rec Center, by Nathan Weiser

On January 27, New Leader Hoops had their first Junior Knicks league game of the season and their was also a sneaker donation given to the kids. They had a 10 and under game at the Red Hook Recreation Center against a team from a Recreation Center in a different neighborhood. All of the 12 kids got pizza after the […]


Column: Cruise Ship Pollution, by George Fiala

Back when I started the paper, in 2010, Red Hook resident Adam Armstrong began his mission to bring shore power here.  This is a way to power berthed cruise ships with electricity rather than the fossil fuel they burn at sea. Twenty million dollars later, a rarely used shore power apparatus was built on the pier. Armstrong was able to […]


Community Board 6 looks at Red Hook, by H. Emad Ansari

On a cold wet Thursday night at the end of January, the CB6 Landmarks and Land Use Committee meeting seemed reasonably well-attended at first, about thirty-five present in a presentation space at the back of the Van Alen Institute. Most of those present, however, represented the City’s various agencies and were in attendance to support the City’s joint presentation of […]


Red Hook becomes a skateboard destination, by Brian Abate

Red Hook has a brand new BMX bike and skatepark at Harold Ickes Playground on the corner of Van Brunt St. and Hamilton Avenue. The project was first announced by-Borough President Eric Adams in 2017 after kids from Red Hook called for a skatepark in the neighborhood. After a few years with a temporary skatepark but no construction, construction abruptly […]