
News, Summit Academy

News from Summit Academy, by Nathan Weiser

Summit Academy Charter School has three graduates from its first high school graduating class in 2016 who are back working and making an impact on Summit scholars.   Their names are Manny Cruz, Ibu Smith and Destiny Jennings. Cruz started at Summit in sixth grade when it first opened in 2009 and Smith and Jennings both came as juniors. The […]


Schism on the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group threatens its existence, by George Fiala

Editors Note: Star-Revue publisher George Fiala has been an at-large member of this group, the CAG, since 2012. If it was just about cleaning the canal, there would be no problems. But even before the Gowanus Canal was declared a Superfund, back in 2010, there was conflict between the real estate community, Gowanus residents and the local politicians that look […]

Environment, News

Red Hook surprised by new cruise ships, by Brian Abate

To either the surprise, or the apathy, of local residents, Mayor Eric Adams announced that MSC Cruises will be coming to Red Hook in the spring of 2023 bringing year-round cruise ships to the Atlantic Basin. The terminal was inaugurated in 2006 as the NYC home port for the Queen Mary. Another ship, The Regal Princess, has been using Red […]


Understanding Hunt’s Point, Bronx’s Asthma Alley… by Brian Abate

Over the past few years Red Hook has seen the opening of two Amazon warehouses that have brought more trucks to our mixed-use neighborhoods. Many of those who are concerned about increased truck traffic point to high rates of asthma. In this series we will look at what the science says about asthma, our environment and similar circumstances elsewhere. We […]


City program tries to keep abuse victims in their homes by Nathan Weiser

In the end of October, the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender Based Violence announced the expansion of their Home+ program. This helpful program is available to residents of the five boroughs and they sign up for it through the borough that they live in. This program provides free and confidential security resources to survivors of domestic and gender […]


Red Hook schools mark Thanksgiving, by Nathan Weiser and George Fiala

Red Hook’s PS 676 kicked off Thanksgiving week with a community potluck that was enjoyed by students and parents after school on Tuesday, November 22. Celebrants met in the cafeteria and got to choose from turkey,  chicken, rice, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, Mac and cheese, rolls, fruit, packaged cookies from an Italian bakery, cake with vanilla icing, donuts, cupcakes and […]


PS 676 Coat Drive, by Nathan Weiser

Redemption Drive had a coat drive on December 3 that was held at PS 676 and many families got free winter gear for the cold weather. Redemption Church has been having their coat drive since 2016. They partnered with the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association and the Baptist Convention of North Carolina/South Carolina to provide free coats and share the […]


Public art on Conover Street, by Brian Abate

The New York City Emergency Management Department and the Red Hook Community Justice Center partnered for the Red Hook Beautification Project for the Atlantic Basin temporary flood measures. Members from both the Emergency Management Department and the Justice Center proudly announced the completion of the project on Nov. 16. Pictures that were taken by 10 students who participated in the […]