After ten years working for a Brooklyn community news-paper publisher I started my own business in 1988. My company, Select Mail, provided, as I dubbed it with my first sign, “Computerized Public Relations and Marketing.” This was somewhat of a new idea back then, as businesses were only just beginning to replace type-writers with desktop computers. My boss at the […]
How can humans who can do such great things also be so reprehensible?
Iwas struck by a conversation I had with my friendly UPS driver the other day. I told him that I had just gotten back from a two week vacation overseas, and he told me he just did the same. He had spent a week in Poland and a week in Belarus visiting family. I’ve spent most of my life not […]
Red Hook parks have been slow to reopen, but are looking good by Nathan Weiser
Last month the Brooklyn Parks Department gave an Zoom update on the progress of the Red Hook ball fields and the four phase construction project. Phases one and two are complete with the exception of a soccer field that will be finished this summer. Davey Ives, the chief of staff of the Brooklyn Parks Department, gave the update. Ball fields […]
Talking to the volunteers of Red Hook Mutual Aid by Brian Abate
Red Hook Mutual Aid calls themselves an “independent corps of local volunteers that helps connect community members to resources, information, and supplies in an accessible format.” I spoke to a few of them about their volunteer work. “I moved to Red Hook during the pandemic and about three years ago, I was sitting in Sunny’s and a volunteer overheard my […]
Care Forward helps workers, by Nathan Weiser
Care Forward is a Brooklyn-based standards-raising initiative for care workers and women and this is the country’s first neighborhood based standards-raising initiative for domestic workers. Care Forward, an initiative of the Carroll Gardens Association and We Rise, had an event at JJ Bryne Park on April 28 since President Biden and the White House federally proclaimed April as Care Workers […]
Civic Association 2.0 meets again, by Brian Abate
On May 15, I attended the monthly meeting of the revived Red Hook Civic Association at P.S. 15 on Sullivan St. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 6 PM but I arrived early and chatted with some other attendees outside of the school. Shortly afterward, Jacqui Painter arrived we were allowed into the building. We went to the auditorium, […]
Catrina NYC’s detour in Oaxaca, by Brian Abate
While walking down Henry St., I noticed a shop called Catrina NYC with colorful jewelry and t-shirts outside the front door. Looking through the window, I could see there was more jewelry, artwork, dolls, toys, textiles, and much more. After going inside, I was greeted by Karina Perez and her dog, a dachshund named Caramelo. Perez was kind enough to […]
Reklame Health rolls out addiction care for the BIPOC community, by Nathan Weiser
ReKlame Health, a NYC based tele psychiatry and addiction medics provider for the BIPOC community, launched their in-home AUD (alcohol use disorder) treatment program in the city. The program rollout in NYC provides virtual and in-home AUD medicine treatment program. ReKlame sends a nurse to the patient’s home to administer a monthly shot and the same nurse will visit each […]
Smith street may bid adieu to hopes for a business improvement district, by Katherine Rivard
As Dawn Casale, Smith Street Alliance co-chair, briefly opened the meeting, she welcomed everyone who had come out to learn about the Smith Street Business Improvement District (BID) formation process. For nine years, she has been advocating for a BID in the Court/Smith Street area, alongside a small group of other residents and local business owners. So by April 19, […]
How can humans who can do such great things also be so reprehensible?
I was struck by a conversation I had with my friendly UPS driver the other day. I told him that I had just gotten back from a two week vacation overseas, and he told me he just did the same. He had spent a week in Poland and a week in Belarus visiting family. I’ve spent most of my life […]