Internet Life

Internet Life, Music

Reply-all is swallowing me whole: a call to arms for the gigging musician

Help! I’m being swallowed by an avalanche of needless reply-alls! A cascading torrent of “sound’s good’s and “right on”s have squeezed the air out of me. Endless streams of emojis and GIFs berate me from day into night into day again. Needless questions directed at anybody on the thread but me… the “gig economy” (aka freelancing) has taken the form […]

Internet Life

My Ticketmaster Nightmare

As I write this, I’m looking at a couple of nice paper tickets for a June 4th Rolling Stones concert in Philly that I’m going to. I got them in the mail after buying them on the Ticketmaster website a few months ago. I’m going with my daughter and I’m sure we’ll have a grand old time. Unfortunately, it didn’t […]