Gowanus Canal

Gowanus Canal

EPA seeks community input on placement of Gowanus sludge in Red Hook, by Nic Cavell

As reported in the Star-Revue’s last issue, a contaminated disposal facility (CDF) at the Gowanus Bay Terminal (GBX) in Red Hook is under discussion. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed the stable repository for sludge in its plan for cleanup of the Gowanus Canal. The giant piece of concrete-like crust, or “monolith,” as Project Manager Christos Tsiamis describes it, […]

Gowanus Canal

EPA presents Gowanus remediation to skeptical Red Hook audience, by Nic Cavell

A Logical Cycle At a January 24 meeting in the Miccio Center, there was little of the fanfare that met the same EPA team when it placed the Gowanus Canal on its National Priorities List for toxic remediation more than three years ago. This time, the organization delivered their proposed plan for cleanup of Brooklyn’s densely polluted canal to a […]