The acronym stands for Previously-Unknown Data-Driven Transformer. PREDATORs are the latest “clever” scheme from real estate developers, like Mr. Dov Hertz. He’s found a way to avoid oversight by using an aggressively boring name for a new idea, calling it a multi-level distribution center (MLD). Hertz just bought the historic Sunset Industrial Park. He’s working to evict all the tenants […]
Author: A Star-Revue Contributor
The Healthy Geezer, by Fred Cicetti
Q: I’m 70 and I’m starting to see a blurred area in the middle of my vision. Any ideas? Have this checked immediately by an eye care practitioner. What you describe is a symptom of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 years of age and older. The macula is at the center of […]
Eurydice looks back: a review of ‘Portrait of a Lady on Fire’, by Nicola Morrow
“His longing eyes, impatient, backward cast / To catch a lover’s look, but look’d his last; / For, instant dying, she again descends, / While he to empty air his arm extends.” The legend of Orpheus and Eurydice recounts how Orpheus, the fabled poet and philosopher, violated Hades’ conditions for his dead lover Eurydice’s release from the underworld by turning […]
How Pioneer Works got its blue fence, by Vanessa Rosa
For better or worse, when visitors come to Red Hook’s Pioneer Works, the first work of art they see – before they even enter the building – is the blue and white fence on the west side of the property. In 2017, Pioneer Works’ tech department invited me to hold a workshop on laser-cut stencils, and I met the organization’s […]
Jazz’s state of the union, by George Grella
My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you that in 2020, the state of jazz is… well, I suppose it all depends on what you mean by “state.” In a country where the highest-paid public employees are football coaches and where artists are expected to work for the non-remuneration of “exposure,” jazz as a professional calling remains a daunting […]
Sunset Terrace Family Health Center expands
Originally a hub for adult primary care, behavioral health, and HIV services, the Sunset Terrace Family Health Center has expanded to become a full-service healthcare facility to care for the borough’s growing families. The expansion of primary care and the addition of dental services and a new pharmacy are among the new services now provided at the newly renovated facility at 514 49th Street […]
Red Hook Coastal Resiliency gathering on January 29
The New York City Mayor’s Office of Resiliency (MOR) and the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) will host this first community gathering for the Red Hook Coastal Resiliency Project. The Red Hook Coastal Resiliency Project is an integrated coastal protection system that will reduce the risk of coastal flooding, maintain access to the waterfront, and improve the public realm. […]
Hugh Pool makes New York City look good, by Jack Grace
The first time I saw Hugh Pool perform, I was deep in conversation with an old friend, Tom Vaught, at the enchanting but since departed Lakeside Lounge. Suddenly from the stage, a long-haired, National guitar-picking, slide-screaming, harmonica-through-amplifier, screeching force came soaring like a nip-soaked cat on fire in a bag filled with rabid dogs on acid. Our jaws became acquainted […]
When will the blues come? by George Grella
In this giant international city where supposedly everything is available 24 hours a day, there is one thing that’s in short supply: live blues. Where to go to hear the blues? B.B. King’s Blues Club closed in April, 2018, and Hank’s Saloon is now interred in the cemetery. You can try to stroll by 55 Bar on Christopher Street and […]
Liberty Valance, ASCAP, Rolling Stone & The Man: gather those rose buds!, by Joe Enright
In my wayward youth, before I accidentally found my true mission in life, I applied for a job at ASCAP – the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. The position was Deputy Under Assistant to the Radio Associate or some such ridiculous title. The work required successful applicants to tune across the AM/FM dials and identify the music they […]