I’ve been admiring the Lancaster, England, duo the Lovely Eggs from afar for quite some time. They’ve been at it for well over a decade and are perfectly molded for the age of internet-induced attention deficit disorder. Their songs and videos are fast, funny, charming and can serve to work out aggression in a matter of minutes, either by giggles […]
Author: Kurt Gottschalk
Horse Lords: All Grown Up and Nothing to Prove by Kurt Gottschalk
Horse Lords: All Grown Up and Nothing to Prove by Kurt Gottschalk Horse Lords is a complicated beast. A likeable one but, well, it’s complicated. The Baltimore band doesn’t cling to any real notions of rock, but fits snugly alongside Battles, the Books, Zs and other such bands who might not be rock but pretty much are. Their own brand […]
Heavy Holism: Greg Fox and the Rhythms of Life
Greg Fox sipped his own mix of green tea, honey and nettles as he spoke from his shared loft in Gowanus in what he describes as being “as professional a situation as a bedroom studio could be.” The large, sunny room is filled with drums and other instruments, recording equipment and the ephemera of the working musician and percussion instructor. […]
Bowie’s ‘Blackstar’ reconsidered
Much has rightly been made of the drama surrounding and embedded into David Bowie’s ★, an album that not only addressed mortality but directly addressed his fans as well. Less has been said suggesting that it stood upon its release, as it does today, as one of Bowie’s finest records. Opinions vary, of course, and his back catalog is a […]
Psychedelic punk for the literary teen by Kurt Gottschalk
Would you let a Butthole Surfer babysit your tween? That seemed to be the question – more of a dare, really – implicit in the advance hype for Gibby Haynes’s first foray into fiction. Not just fiction, mind you. The man who once sang for the most dangerous band in rock had penned a novel for the young adult market, […]
Mick Barr’s outcast metal, by Kurt Gottschalk
After two very slow pieces for strings, organ and accordion – of which he was not a part – on a December night at Roulette in Downtown Brooklyn, Mick Barr walked onstage gripping his guitar by the neck and addressed the audience with a slight grin, saying simply, “Ear plugs?” He tested the amp with a quick strum, sounding more […]