This January marks the beginning of this newspaper’s tenth anniversary. It’s something I started myself back in 2010. I’ve written lots of news stories, headlines, filler – even crossword puzzles, but I never attempted any sort of creative or introspective writing. It’s probably because I’m not that good at it, and I didn’t want to waste valuable room in the […]
Author: George Fiala
Concert Suggestions for Fall 2019
The first time I saw Steve Forbert was the only time I went to CBGB’s, only because back in the day I wasn’t much of a punkster (my loss). When Forbert first came to NY though, Hilly Kristal was booking more folky acts. By 1980, Forbert was already somewhat of a star, playing clubs all over the country, and owner […]
Column: Debt will doom us all (probably not)
I have a friend who watches MSNBC regularly. The other night, a vaguely familiar face filled the screen – someone who was not the usual liberal face. It was a politician from South Carolina known for something that remains forever etched in my mind. If not for that something, I wouldn’t have remembered him. He started a real estate leasing […]
Odds and Sods
I’m happy to be able to start off this column by cheering some neighborhood heroes on a hard-fought victory. Last year I wrote about the plans of an investor to build a huge apartment building over where the Chase Bank is on Hamilton Avenue. I called it a ridiculous idea, based upon their presentation at the community board. In addition […]
My Ticketmaster Nightmare
As I write this, I’m looking at a couple of nice paper tickets for a June 4th Rolling Stones concert in Philly that I’m going to. I got them in the mail after buying them on the Ticketmaster website a few months ago. I’m going with my daughter and I’m sure we’ll have a grand old time. Unfortunately, it didn’t […]
Crazy Zoning Change shot down by CB 6 for 41 Summit St., Story and photos by George Fiala
A young fellow named David Rosenberg started off the October CB6 Landmarks and Land Use meeting by professing to be a little nervous. He didn’t expect the full PS 15 auditorium. They came because of two controversial issues on the agenda. Rosenberg’s presentation involved a zoning change request for three lots surrounding the Chase bank on Hamilton Avenue. The petition […]
The South West Brooklyn Fall Festival
The South West Brooklyn Fall Festival is the Columbia Waterfront District’s annual street fair. It focuses around Union and Columbia Streets, and is scheduled for Saturday September 15, from noon to 5 pm. “I have noticed growth the last couple of years,” Ben Fuller Googgins, programming and planning director of the fair’s sponsor, the Carroll Garden’s Association (CGA). “I would […]
By George Fiala A few months ago I wrote a front page editorial about how Red Hook could be made better. I said that we really need a localized governing mechanism that doesn’t now exist. The reason I mentioned was that there are many illattended community meetings. I thought that probably with so many meetings, it’s hard for the average […]