Author: George Fiala


Which came first, the chicken or the egg? by George Fiala

The map above shows the land formerly owned by the Port Authority that is being transferred over to the NYC Economic Development Corporation sometime this year. Their repurposing project, titled Vision for Brooklyn Marine Terminal, has been stressing the upgrading and modernization of the Red Hook Container Terminal, which under the Port Authority has been ill maintained and in jeopardy […]

Editorials, Land Use, News

Column: EDC wants to change Red Hook forever, by George Fiala

The map above shows the land formerly owned by the Port Authority that is being transferred over to the NYC Economic Development Corporation sometime this year. Their repurposing project, titled Vision for Brooklyn Marine Terminal, has been stressing the upgrading and modernization of the Red Hook Container Terminal, which under the Port Authority has been ill maintained and in jeopardy […]


Eventual Ukrainian reconstruction cannot ignore Russian-speaking Ukrainians, by Dario Pio Muccilli, Star-Revue EU correspondent

On October 21st, almost 150 (mostly Ukrainian) intellectuals signed an open letter to Unesco encouraging the international organization to ask President Zelensky to defer some decisions about Odessa’s World Heritage sites until the end of the war. Odessa, in southern Ukraine, is a multicultural city with a strong Russian-speaking component. There has been pressure to remove historical sites connected to […]


Meeting Marc Jackson, by George Fiala

Almost a decade ago, I got an email from someone in England who was interested in contributing a monthly cartoon. A pre-requisite for becoming part of the Star-Revue team is asking. The next is to keep showing up. And so for every single month since then, except for once when my email was acting up and I didn’t receive a […]


Why did it take me 54 years to go hear the Regina Opera Company? by George Fiala

I happen to love adventures, and unexpected treats are always a highlight of life. However, being surprised at discovering a great evening at the Regina Opera is akin to kids from Manhattan attending an event at the Kings Theater and telling their friend’ parents, who grew up watching baseball at Ebbets Field, that they’ve “discovered” Flatbush. I’m probably the last […]

Advertising Information, News

It’s November, and I’m giving thanks! by George Fiala

When I started this paper back in 2010, I would have been surprised to know that it would still be going strong today. What’s kept this paper going has been the contributions of our talented crew of writers, our advertisers, the local merchants who allow us to distribute the paper at their locations, and finally and equally as important, the […]


Community Board meets in person, finally! by George Fiala

They had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the auditorium at PS 32, but by the end of the night the members of Community Board 6, local politicians and their representatives, and various interested community members were having such a good time re-meeting each other that you might have thought it was an early holiday party. Since the beginning […]


Column: I’ve changed my mind about the Columbia Waterfront, by George Fiala

It’s always been the view of this paper (and me) that the Columbia Street waterfront, the stretch of coastland between Brooklyn Bridge Park and the Red Hook Cruise Terminal should always remain a containerport. Actually, in addition to the shipping facility, it is also home to the beer distributor Manhattan Beverage and also the Waterfront Commission, a leftover from the […]